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Breakfast Before Business: Speed Networking

The weather made this one a bit difficult to pull off but those who made it had a great time.

We sent these instructions to those registered and it was very well received.


Bring plenty of business cards!  We have some structure for this to help things go smoothly.  You will have about 3 minutes to introduce yourself and your business and then hear the person across from you's elevator speech.

Have your 90-second elevator speech ready!  I have recorded mine in case it helps you to have an example.  (Mine is a touch long.  I need to shorten it by about 12 seconds...)  You can watch it on YouTube, linked here

We will take a few minutes at the beginning for you to grab a coffee and get settled, and then will begin. There will be time at the end to connect with anyone you were hoping to meet but didn't.

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